About Us

Welcome to Perfect The Craft.  Our goal is to provide a wide array high quality merchandise for companies to offer to their loyal customers without having to take out a third and fourth mortage.  

I'm passionate about preserving memories.  Most people can't remember how much they had in their bank account 5 years ago, what their second car was or even how old they were when they learned how to ride a bike.  But, you look at that picture or memento of your trip, smell that certain scent or hear that certain song and you're instantly transported back to that memory.  We may not be able to sing but we can produce visually appealing, unique and highly durable items that will allow your guests to remember your business for a long time.  

We have a unique process using equipment in our facility that enables us to do short runs of unique items.  Gone are the days of you having to order hundreds of items when you only needed a few dozen.  Setup and color fees?  Nada.  You only pay for the product you order, none of those crazy hidden fees that creep up when ordering custom goods.  Did I mention our lasers are solar powered? 

solar panel roof

I look forward to helping you provide something special to your customers so the memories can last!

- Shane Thomas

Shane Thomas